domenica 22 novembre 2020

Thanksgiving dinner rolls

Per introdurre la festa del ringraziamento, che negli Stati Uniti d'America si festeggia il quarto giovedì di novembre, ho preparato un tutorial per una ricetta. Eccola:

Thanksgiving dinner rolls


  • 300 g flour
  • 1 teaspoon dry (or fresh) yeast
  • 160 ml warm water
  • 15 g extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt

put a teaspoon of dry yeast in warm water with 1/2 teaspoon of sugar

let it rest until the yeast foams


add the flour, oil and salt and mix with a fork knead with your hands until you get a ball

let it rise for 2 hours

write the thank-you cards (on baking paper)

prepare the dough balls with your hands and insert the folded card between the dough balls

let it rise for 1 hour

cook them in a hot oven at 200 °C

your thanksgiving dinner rolls are ready

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